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Synchronise NA among layers of a raster stack

I am trying to develop a function to "synchronise" NAs among layers of a raster stack, i.e. to make sure that for any given pixel of the stack, if one layer has a NA, then all layers should be set to NA for that pixel.

This is particularly useful when combining rasters coming from varying sources for species distribution modelling, because some models do not handle properly NAs.

I have found two ways to do this, but I find neither of them satisfactory. One of them requires to use the function getValues and thus is not usable for very large stacks or computers with low RAM. The other one is more memory-safe but is much slower. I am therefore here to ask if anyone has an idea to improve my attempts?

Here are the two possibilities:

  1. Using getValues()

    syncNA1 <- function (x) 
      val <- getValues(x)
      NA.pos <- unique(which(, arr.ind = T)[, 1])
      val[NA.pos, ] <- NA
      x <- setValues(x, val)
  2. Using calc()

    syncNA2 <- function(y)
      calc(y, na.rm = T, fun = function(x, na.rm = na.rm)
          rep(NA, length(x))
        } else

Now a demonstration of their respective computing times for the same stack:

> system.time(
+ b1 <- syncNA1(a1)
+ )
   user  system elapsed 
   3.04    0.15    3.20 
> system.time(
+ b2 <- syncNA2(a1)
+ )
   user  system elapsed 
   5.89    0.19    6.08 

Many thanks for your help,



  • With a stack named "s", I would first use calc(s, fun = sum) to compute a mask layer that records the location of all cells with an NA value in at least one of the stack's layers. mask() will then allow you to apply that mask to every layer in the stack.

    Here's an example:

    ## Construct reproducible data! (Here a raster stack with NA values in each layer) 
    m <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
    n <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
    m[] <- runif(ncell(m))
    n[] <- runif(ncell(n)) * 10
    m[m < 0.5] <- NA
    n[n < 5] <- NA
    s <- stack(m,n)
    ## Synchronize the NA values
    s2 <- mask(s, calc(s,fun = sum))
    ## Check that it worked

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