I have an Angular JS application and I want to do a global action every second when the route changes successfully. So I created a .run() block in which I DI $interval and use the $interval on $routeChangeSuccess. The strange thing is that after each route change, the interval starts fireing faster and faster. This is my code:
app.run(["$interval", "$rootScope", function($interval, $rootScope){
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function(event, current){
}, 1000);
To conclude, the "whatever" console log starts firing faster and faster. Is it because the $interval is a Singleton so it gets recreated each time? But why isn't the old $interval deleted?
I don´t understand why you want attach a new interval that is running every second on every routeChange. If I understand it correctly, you want it to check every second obly when route needs authenticate
? If so, you need to cancel the interval
if the route is not authenticate
you need to delete your $interval
if you dont want it to be fired anymore.
var stopTime = $interval(DoJob, 1000);
// delete when you dont need it anymore.
see documentation for $interval
app.run(["$interval", "$rootScope", function($interval, $rootScope){
var intervalPtr = null;
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function(event, current){
//page needs authentication
//and interval was not set yet.
if(current.$$route.authenticate && intervalPtr === null){
intervalPtr = $interval(function(){
}, 1000);
// page that does not need authentication
// reset only of there is a interval running
} else if (intervalPtr !== null) {
intervalPtr = null;