I want to add extra rows via AJAX to a table using tablesorter with filter and sticky header plugins. I can remove all AJAX rows by adding a class to them and using $('.row_selector').empty();
. But I want to have another button that only deletes just the previously added row. Is there any way to do that?
I've this with no success:
if ($('.tablesorter tbody tr').length > 1)
$('.undo').click(function(){ //Remove previously added row
if ($('.tablesorter tbody tr').length > 1)
var ajax_request;
function add_Data() {
$('.area button').click(function(){
var colspan = $("table.tablesorter tbody tr").length;
if(colspan > 10)
alert("Too Many Rows");
return false;
var source = $(this).data('feed');
if(typeof ajax_request !== 'undefined')
ajax_request =
url: source,
success: function (data) {
$(data.query.results.json.json).each(function (index, item) {
var title = item.title,
year = item.year,
job = item.Job,
education = item.Education,
background = item.Background,
ingredient = item.Ingredient;
$(".tablesorter tbody").append('<tr style="display:table-row;" class="trremove"><td>'+education+'</td><td>'+background+'</td><td>'+job+'</td><td>'+ingredient+'</td><td>'+year+'</td><td>'+background+'</td><td>'+year+'</td></tr>');
var sorting = [[2,1],[0,0]];
return false;
<button class="undo">Remove Previous</button>
<button class="remove">Remove</button>
<div class="area"><button>Class B</button></div>
<div class="area"><button>Class C</button></div>
<div class="area"><button>Class D</button></div>
<table class="tablesorter" cellspacing="1">
<th style="visibility:hidden;">first name</th>
<th>first name</th>
<th>last name</th>
As you have a sorter I would have a global var of lastAdded
, then in you ajax call you can set it doing this in your success function:
lastAdded = $('<tr style="display:table-row;" class="trremove"></tr>').html('<td>'+education+'</td><td>'+background+'</td><td>'+job+'</td><td>'+ingredient+'</td><td>'+year+'</td><td>'+background+'</td><td>'+year+'</td>');
$(".tablesorter tbody").append(lasstAdded);
Then in your undo you can just use
if (lastAdded != null) {
Updated fiddle as example (doesn't work as original doesn't work - just to show code)
If you don't want a global class, you can try using an extra class:
In you success:
$(".tablesorter tbody").append('<tr style="display:table-row;" class="trremove lastadded"><td>'+education+'</td><td>'+background+'</td><td>'+job+'</td><td>'+ingredient+'</td><td>'+year+'</td><td>'+background+'</td><td>'+year+'</td></tr>');
In your undo