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Hyphen prepended to every row in my json string when printed in my browsser

I am trying to create a properly formatted JSON result using CodeIgniter, but in the result shown below, it looks like there is an extra hyphen or dash character, as shown here:

JSON with extra character

Here is the code that I am using to generate the query result:

function y($mun) {
    $q = $this->db->query("SELECT RollNum , Address, v2_lat, v2_lng
                           FROM mytable 
                           WHERE Municipality = '" . $mun . "' LIMIT 100"); 
    echo json_encode($q->result());

Can someone explain why there appears to be an extra character appearing?


  • You might be using some of the Chrome or other browers extensions/addons like JSONView -

    So here the '-' is just a button to minimize or collapse that particular block.

    Its not in the JSON, but provided by the the addon.

    If you disable the extension/addon for a moment and then try to print the JSON, you'll see no '-' there.