I have created an ActorSystem a synopsis of my system is
The store contructor looks like this
public Store(){
server = this.getContext().actorOf(
.withRouter(new RoundRobinPool(lowerBound)
meatProcessor = this.getContext().actorOf(Props.create(meatProcessor.class)
.withRouter(new RoundRobinPool(lowerBound)
So if "store" creates these two actors it should be their parent right?
When I am in in the meatProcessor actor
I try to send a message to the Server with the following
getContext().actorSelection("../Server").tell(new SomeMsg(), getSelf());
My messages are sent to dead letters.
But it works when I use the Absolute path of
getContext().actorSelection("user/store/Server").tell(new SomeMsg(), getSelf());
Can anyone tell me why ".." does not work?
I think this is a bug when using a router.
I got it to work by doing this
getContext().actorSelection("../../Server").tell(new SomeMsg(), getSelf());