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Combitronics and Prime Factorization : Calculate num of Pairs of (m,n) where GCD(m,n)=x

Calculate num of Pairs of (m,n) where GCD(m,n)=x, say x=1 and 1<=m<=M=10^5 and 1<=n<=N=10^5.

M and N will be given

I know we can use (Brute Force) 2 iterators to iterate through M and N and with a check to the GCD being ==1 increment the number of possible pairs.

But that works only for smaller numbers and for larger ones it takes hell hell hell a lot of time. Like M = 100000 and N =100000

There is a way where we can use the prime factors to calculate.

Note: I just want the number of possible pairs and not the pairs.


  • Let's start with your brute force algorithm:

    for (n = 1; n <= N; n++) {
        for (m = 1; m <= M; m++) {
            if (gcd(m, n) == x) count++;

    You can speed this up when your x is greater than 1, because if the gdc of n and m is x, these numbers themselves must be multiples of x:

    for (n = x; n <= N; n += x) {
        for (m = x; m <= M; m += x) {
            if (gcd(m, n) == x) count++;

    In these loops, we can divide all numbers by x:

    int NN = N / x;
    int MM = M / x;
    for (n = 1; n <= NN; n++) {
        for (m = 1; m <= MM; m++) {
            if (gcd(m, n) == 1) count++;

    Checking for a gdc of 1 is a test for coprime pairs. A bit of research leads to Wikipedia and turns up a neat (and lavishly illustrated) algorithm to generate all coprime pairs:

    #define NN (N / X)
    #define MM (M / X)
    void spread(int m, int n, int *count)
        if (n > NN) return;
        if (m > MM) return;
        if (n != m && m <= NN) (*count)++;
        spread(2*m - n, m, count);
        spread(2*m + n, m, count);
        spread(m + 2*n, n, count);
    int main()
        int count = 1;
        spread(2, 1, &count);
        spread(3, 1, &count);
        printf("%d\n", count);
        return 0;

    The count starts at 1, because the pair generator doesn't generate (1, 1), which also matches your criterion. The code works if your M is greater than or equal to N. If not, swap them.

    This bottom-up approach is much faster than the loops in the same way that the Sieve of Erathostenes is faster than doing naive primality checks for a range of numbers.

    I'm afraid this is C, not Java. The count is passed as pointer; I guess the Java idiom might be a reference. You could also return the count from spread and accumulate, of course. (And it would be nice if N, NN and so on weren't globals, but I'm sure you'll wrap a nice, tidy class around that in Java.)

    Edit: The code above is recursive and requires a lot of stack space. You can migrate the required space from the stack to the heap if you linearise the code and use a queue. The code then look like this:

    int spread(m, n)
        Queue q;
        int count = 1;
        q.push(m, n);
        while (!q.empty()) {
            int m, n;
            q.pull(&m, &n);
            if (n <= NN && m <= MM) {
                if (n != m && m <= NN) count++;
                q.push(2*m - n, m);
                q.push(2*m + n, m);
                q.push(m + 2*n, n);
        return count;
    int main()
        Queue q;
        int count = 1;
        count += spread(2, 1);
        count += spread(3, 1);
        printf("%d\n", count);
        return 0;

    It will take fairly long to run if your M and N go beyond 100,000. But you can easily parallelise it, because the (2, 1) and (3, 1) cases are independent.