I have a simple question concerning iterator , in the following code I used three ways to get values from the pointer of iterator and put them into standard output or into vector , but the cin stream is continuous even after pressing enter key. what should be the bug in this code.... Thanks in advance
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<double> My_container ;
cout << "Enter values separated by spaces : " ;
#define code1
#ifdef code1
copy (istream_iterator<double>(cin),
ostream_iterator<double>(cout)) ;
#endif // code
#ifdef code2
istream_iterator<double> eos ;
istream_iterator<double> basic_input (cin);
while (basic_input != eos)
My_container.push_back(*basic_input) ;
++basic_input ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < My_container.size() ; i++)
cout << i << " :" << My_container.at(i) << endl ;
#endif //code2
#ifdef code3
istream_iterator<double> stream_end ;
istream_iterator<double> basic_input (cin);
for ( ; basic_input != stream_end; ++basic_input )
My_container.push_back(*basic_input) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < My_container.size() ; i++)
cout << i << " :" << My_container.at(i) << endl ;
#endif //code3
You are waiting for eof in order to close the stream. Pressing enter won't do, it simply puts a newline character in the stream.
You will either have to check for a newline, or signal eof yourself.