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Does Eclipse support sources in EBCDIC?

I would like to work in Eclipse with sources that are in EBCDIC (IBM i version). It seems like the standard Eclipse installation is missing EBCDIC in the list of the supported codepages for its editor. So, is there a way to add support of EBCDIC sources to Eclipse? Pls note that I'm aware about NextGen and IBM RDi but I'm looking for EBCDIC support in a standard Eclipse. Thanks,


  • You can specify any encoding supported by the Java Charset class in the Text File Encoding field on the Properties > Resource for a file (or the default workspace encoding in Preferences > Workspace).

    Don't be put of by the fact these fields are drop down lists, you can also type other values here.

    EBCDIC comes in many flavors so Charset does not have a single EBCDIC value, instead there are values such as IBM500 for the code page 500 layout. So you need to know which EBCDIC code page the file uses.