I'm trying to create a Polymer element for contenteditable.
I create a contenteditable
div, place this.innerHTML
there, and it becomes editable. All good with polyfills, e.g. in Firefox. But it doesn't work in Chrome 35 with native Shadow DOM.
Well, it is still editable, but neither document.execCommand
nor window.getSelection
is working.
does nothing.window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).toString()
is defined but empty.So I cannot style the selection.
Does anybody know whether it's possible to make a custom editable element or not? What am I doing wrong? Maybe there's another way to work with contenteditable in modern/future web?
According to the spec 1 selection is somewhat open ended for implementors. It does mention:
Accordingly, selections may only exist within one node tree, because they are defined by a single range. The selection, returned by the
method never returns a selection within a shadow tree.The
method of the shadow root object returns the current selection in this shadow tree.
Have you tried the shadow root's getSelection()