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How to detect which Fragment I am?

Just a question, I'm making an app in android with fragments, that when it opens it loads a list view, when I touch an element it goes to the next fragment and shows me the content, I enable the bar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); to get the back button on the action bar, but I don't know how to return to the ListView Fragment, I'm doing it by this way

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()) 
              Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class);
             return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);    

But it makes this animation like open the window again, it works but looks nasty, also I want to disable the button when I'm in the ListView fragment because there are no more places to go just outside the app, so I want to hide it in the ListView fragment something similar to this:

//Hide the back button in action bar
//display ir

Also i'm using this to make the Action Bar, because I need support for 2.3+ devices:

ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar();
bar.setTitle("Interview app");


  • What you need to do is to add the FragmentTransaction to the backstack using FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(). Then when you press the back or up buttons the previous Fragment will be loaded.