I have an angular app with the following array:
countries = [{"code": "ZA", "name": "South Africa"}, {"code": "CH", "name": "Switzerland"}]
with a Jade select as follow:
select(ng-model='myCountry', ng-options='country.name for country in countries')
What I would like to do is to pre-select a country based on the code for example:
select(ng-model='myCountry', ng-options='country.name for country in countries', ng-selected='country.code=="CH"')
Obviously, this solution doesn't work as ng-selected is not intended to be used in a select but in an option tag.
It is important for me to use a conditional selection and not a default index value like in the angularJS example.
From your sample above it looks like you should do this in your controller:
$scope.myCountry = $scope.countries.filter(function(c){ return c.code==="CH"})[0];
Like this:
function MyCntrl($scope) {
$scope.countries = [{"code": "ZA", "name": "South Africa"}, {"code": "CH", "name": "Switzerland"}];
$scope.myCountry = $scope.countries.filter(function(c){ return c.code==="CH"})[0];
Or you could try building the select with and ngRepeat
which seems to be closer to what you need, like this:
<body ng-app="">
function MyCntrl($scope) {
$scope.countries = [{"code": "ZA", "name": "South Africa"}, {"code": "CH", "name": "Switzerland"}];
<div ng-controller="MyCntrl">
<select ng-model="myCountry" >
<option ng-selected="c.code=='CH'" ng-repeat="c in countries">{{c.name}}</option>
{{myCountry |json}}