Is there a way to compare the value of a subfield with hamcrest?
class Obj{
NestedObj nestedObj;
class NestedObj{
String wantedProperty;
I have a List<Obj>
objs, and I want to test that all Objs
have a wantedProperty
with value "wanted":
List<Obj> objs = new ArrayList<Obj>();
Obj obj = new Obj();
NestedObj nestedObj = new NestedObj();
assertThat(objs, hasItems(Matchers.<Obj>hasProperty("nestedObj.wantedProperty", hasValue("wanted"))));
But nestedObj.wantedProperty do not works.
How can I get it work, if it is possible?
try something like this
assertThat(objs, hasItems(Matchers.<Obj>hasProperty("nestedObj", Matchers.<NestedObj>hasProperty("wantedProperty",equalTo("wanted")))));