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SelendroidDriver not in jar file

I have recently written a Selenium program in Java that works perfectly with the FireFoxDriver(). My step 2 is to be able to run this program on my Android device with Selendroid. I went on their website here and have been able to download the jar and connect to their localhost with port:4444.
However, when I try their example, Eclipse doesn't recognize the SelendroidDriver() and suggests me to go back to WebDriver().
Here is their code:

SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities("io.selendroid.testapp:0.10.0");

// My error appears when I create the new SelendroidDriver().
WebDriver driver = new SelendroidDriver(capa);
WebElement inputField = driver.findElement("my_text_field"));
Assert.assertEquals("true", inputField.getAttribute("enabled"));
Assert.assertEquals("Selendroid", inputField.getText());

I have also noticed that the SelendroidDriver class does not appear in my files although I downloaded the Selendroid jar file, version 0.10.0.


  • For those of you who are curious about how I fixed my problem, here is what I did: I went to this site to get the selendroid-client jar file corresponding to the standalone version I had. Downloading the standalone jar file was somehow not enough.