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Tapestry properties in jQuery

I have two files: "", "" for multilenguage in Tapestry. I want to read literals from those files in a *.js file, for example:

    menu=Main menu
    menu-welcome=Welcome to my webpage

    menu=Menú principal
    menu-welcome=Bienvenido a mi página web

      <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"

       var currentOption=$('#activemenu').attr('name');
       if (currentOption=="menu"){

How can I read the files since "menu.js"? Thank you


  • About expansions

    Expansions only work in your templates (.tml files) or in the component classes if you are using the @Component annotation, for example.

    Component parameter documentation:

    You cannot access files in JavaScript that are stored on the server. But you could pass them along with your script’s init script.

    How to add custom scripts to your pages

    Don’t do this to your template:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="${context:/javaScript/menu.js}"></script>

    Do this instead to your page class:

    @Import(library = { "context:javaScript/menu.js" })
    public class Index {

    Read the documentation about this feature to learn more:

    Solution to your problem

    With all that knowledge you’ll now rather want to pass the translations for your menu script like this:

    @Import(library = { "context:javaScript/menu.js" })
    public class Index {
        private Messages messages;
        private JavaScriptSupport javaScriptSupport;
        void afterRender() {
            javaScriptSupport.addInitializerCall("initMenu", new JSONObject()
                put("option1", messages.get("option1"))


    (function( $, window ) {
      'use scrict';
      $.extend(Tapestry.Initializer, {
        initMenu: function (spec) {
          var currentOption=$('#activemenu').attr('name');
          if (currentOption=="menu"){
    })(jQuery, window);