I have two files: "Index.properties", "Index_es.properties" for multilenguage in Tapestry. I want to read literals from those files in a *.js file, for example:
menu=Main menu
menu-welcome=Welcome to my webpage
menu=Menú principal
menu-welcome=Bienvenido a mi página web
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"
var currentOption=$('#activemenu').attr('name');
if (currentOption=="menu"){
How can I read the files since "menu.js"? Thank you
Expansions only work in your templates (.tml files) or in the component classes if you are using the @Component
annotation, for example.
Component parameter documentation:
You cannot access files in JavaScript that are stored on the server. But you could pass them along with your script’s init script.
Don’t do this to your template:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="${context:/javaScript/menu.js}"></script>
Do this instead to your page class:
@Import(library = { "context:javaScript/menu.js" })
public class Index {
Read the documentation about this feature to learn more: http://tapestry.apache.org/javascript.html
With all that knowledge you’ll now rather want to pass the translations for your menu script like this:
@Import(library = { "context:javaScript/menu.js" })
public class Index {
private Messages messages;
private JavaScriptSupport javaScriptSupport;
void afterRender() {
javaScriptSupport.addInitializerCall("initMenu", new JSONObject()
put("option1", messages.get("option1"))
(function( $, window ) {
'use scrict';
$.extend(Tapestry.Initializer, {
initMenu: function (spec) {
var currentOption=$('#activemenu').attr('name');
if (currentOption=="menu"){
})(jQuery, window);