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Iterate over all but d-th dimension of any boost::multi_array

Quite often one wants to apply operation f() along dimension d of an N-dimensional array A. This implies looping over all remaining dimensions of A. I tried to figure out if boost::multi_array was capable of this. Function f(A) should work on all varieties of boost::multi_array, including boost:multi_array_ref, boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array, and boost::detail::multi_array::array_view, ideally also for the rvalue types such as boost::multi_array_ref<T, NDims>::reference.

The best I could come up with is an implementation of a reshape() function that can be used to reshape the ND array into a 3D array, such that the working dimension is always the middle one. Here is f.hpp:

#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
#include <ostream>

using namespace boost;

typedef multi_array_types::index index_t;
typedef multi_array_types::index_range range;

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
          typename T, std::size_t NDims, typename index_t, std::size_t NDimsNew>
multi_array_ref<T, NDimsNew>
reshape(Array<T, NDims>& A, const array<index_t, NDimsNew>& dims) {
    multi_array_ref<T, NDimsNew> a(A.origin(), dims);
    return a;

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array, typename T>
void f(Array<T, 1>& A) {
    for (auto it : A) {
        // do something with it
        std::cout << it << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array, 
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
void f(Array<T, NDims>& A, long d) {
    auto dims = A.shape();
    typedef typename std::decay<decltype(*dims)>::type type;

    // collapse dimensions [0,d) and (d,Ndims)
    array<type, 3> dims3 = {
        std::accumulate(dims, dims + d, type(1), std::multiplies<type>()),
        std::accumulate(dims + d + 1, dims + NDims, type(1), std::multiplies<type>())

    // reshape to collapsed dimensions
    auto A3 = reshape(A, dims3);

    // call f for each slice [i,:,k]
    for (auto Ai : A3) {
        for (index_t k = 0; k < dims3[2]; ++k) {
            auto S = Ai[indices[range()][k]];

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array, 
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
void f(Array<T, NDims>& A) {
    for (long d = NDims; d--; ) {
        f(A, d);

This is the test program test.cpp:

#include "f.hpp"

int main() {
    boost::multi_array<double, 3> A(boost::extents[2][2][3]);
    boost::multi_array_ref<double, 1> a(, boost::extents[A.num_elements()]);
    auto Ajk = A[1];
    auto Aik = A[boost::indices[range()][1][range()]];

    int i = 0;
    for (auto& ai : a) ai = i++;

    std::cout << "work on boost::multi_array_ref" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "work on boost::multi_array" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "work on boost::detail::multi_array:sub_array" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "work on boost::detail::multi_array:sub_array" << std::endl;
    f(Aik);   // wrong result, since reshape() ignores strides!

    //f(A[1]);   // fails: rvalue A[1] is boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3ul>::reference

Clearly, there are problems with this approach, namely when a slice is passed to f(), such that the memory is no longer contiguous, which defeats the implementation of reshape().

It appears a better (more C++-like) way would be to construct an aggregate iterator out of the iterators that the boost types provide, since this would automatically take care of non-unity strides along a given dimension. boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen looks relevant, but it is not quite clear to me how this can be used to make an iterator over all slices in dimension d. Any ideas?


There are similar questions already on SO, but none was quite satisfactory to me. I am not interested in specialized solutions for N = 3 or N = 2. It's got to work for any N.


Here is the equivalent of what I want in Python:

def idx_iterator(s, d, idx):
    if len(s) == 0:
        yield idx
        ii = (slice(None),) if d == 0 else xrange(s[0])
        for i in ii:
            for new_idx in idx_iterator(s[1:], d - 1, idx + [i]):
                yield new_idx

def iterator(A, d=0):
    for idx in idx_iterator(A.shape, d, []):
        yield A[idx]

def f(A):
    for d in reversed(xrange(A.ndim)):
        for it in iterator(A, d):
            print it

import numpy as np
A = np.arange(12).reshape((2, 2, 3))

print "Work on flattened array"

print "Work on array"

print "Work on contiguous slice"

print "Work on discontiguous slice"

The same should somehow be possible using the functionality in index_gen.hpp, but I have still not been able to figure out how.


  • Ok, after spending a significant amount of time studying the implementation of boost::multi_array, I am now ready to answer my own question: No, there are no provisions anywhere in boost::multi_array that would allow one to iterate along any but the first dimension. The best I could come up with is to construct an iterator that manually manages the N-1 indices that are being iterated over. Here is slice_iterator.hpp:

    #include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
    template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
              typename T, std::size_t NDims>
    struct SliceIterator {
        typedef Array<T, NDims> array_type;
        typedef typename array_type::size_type size_type;
        typedef boost::multi_array_types::index_range range;
        typedef boost::detail::multi_array::multi_array_view<T, 1> slice_type;
        typedef boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NDims, 1> index_gen;
        array_type& A;
        const size_type* shape;
        const long d;
        index_gen indices;
        bool is_end = false;
        SliceIterator(array_type& A, long d) : A(A), shape(A.shape()), d(d) {
            int i = 0;
            for (; i != d; ++i) indices.ranges_[i] = range(0);
            indices.ranges_[i++] = range();
            for (; i != NDims; ++i) indices.ranges_[i] = range(0);
        SliceIterator& operator++() {
            // addition with carry, excluding dimension d
            int i = NDims - 1;
            while (1) {
                if (i == d) --i;
                if (i < 0) {
                    is_end = true;
                    return *this;
                if (indices.ranges_[i].start_ < shape[i]) {
                } else {
                    indices.ranges_[i].start_ = 0;
                    indices.ranges_[i].finish_ = 1;
            return *this; 
        slice_type operator*() { 
            return A[indices];
        // fakes for iterator protocol (actual implementations would be expensive)
        bool operator!=(const SliceIterator& r) {
            return !is_end;
        SliceIterator begin() {return *this;}
        SliceIterator end()   {return *this;}
    template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
              typename T, std::size_t NDims>
    SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims> make_slice_iterator(Array<T, NDims>& A, long d) {
        return SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims>(A, d);
    // overload for rvalue references
    template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
              typename T, std::size_t NDims>
    SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims> make_slice_iterator(Array<T, NDims>&& A, long d) {
        return SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims>(A, d);

    It can be used as

    for (auto S : make_slice_iterator(A, d)) {

    and works for all examples in my question.

    I must say that boost::multi_array's implementation was quite disappointing to me: Over 3700 lines of code for what should be little more than a bit of index housekeeping. In particular the iterators, which are only provided for the first dimension, aren't anywhere near a performance implementation: There are actually up to 3*N + 5 comparisons carried out at each step to decide whether the iterator has arrived at the end yet (note that my implementation above avoids this problem by faking operator!=()), which makes this implementation unsuitable for anything but arrays with a dominant last dimension, which is handled more efficiently. Moreover, the implementation doesn't take advantage of dimensions that are contiguous in memory. Instead, it always proceeds dimension-by-dimension for operations such as array assignment, wasting significant optimization opportunities.

    In summary, I find numpy's implementation of an N-dimensional array much more compelling than this one. There are 3 more observations that tell me "Hands Off" of boost::multi_array:

    • I couldn't find any serious use cases for boost::multi_array anywhere on the web
    • Development appears to have essentially stopped in 2002
    • This (and similar) questions on StackOverflow have hardly generated any interest ;-)