(Caveat - I'm a scala noob) Given a sequence of Eithers
, viz
theResults : Seq[Either[Error, String]]
I am trying to extract all the Errors by using a map on the left(s)
theResults match {
case r if r.exists(_.isLeft) => {
val errors = theResults.map(r => r.left)
However, this returns
Seq[Either.LeftProjection[ErrorResponse, String]]
Instead of the Seq[ErrorResponse]
as I was hoping for.
Please put me out of my misery?
The easiest option would probably be:
val lefts = theResults.map(_.left.toOption).flatten
which will return a sequence of Error
(or whatever the left type is).
Personally, I think that scalaz
Either is nicer to work with, as it's right-biased...