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angularjs - can't display json data on a specific page

I'm trying to load data from JSON-file and displaying in my mobile app. But the problem is that I can't display the JSON datas on member-detail.html, where should be displayed datas of a specific user. But on member-index.html, where is the whole list of all users, I can get the json datas correctly.

I've two pages/templates:

  • member-index.html: List with all members. Linked to the member-detail.html. JSON data are displayed correctly here:
  • member-detail.html: detail information about a single member. JSON data are not displayed correctly. On this page I actually only try to output following two expressions:

        <h2>Name: {{member.firstname }} {{member.lastname}}</h2>

Here you can take a look at my file /data/members.json:

            "id": 1, 
            "lastname": "Doe", 
            "firstname": "John", 

I'm load the json data with a service about the $http.get function in file services.js. There are also two methods -> findAll for member-index.html (=is working correctly) and findById -> for member-detail.html (is working not correctly, access to json object does not working, look at this line: var member = members[memberId - 1]):

angular.module('', [])

.factory('MemberService', function($http, $q) {

var members = $http.get("data/members.json").success(function(result){


return {
  findAll: function() {
    var deffered = $q.defer();
    return deffered.promise;
  findById: function(memberId) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    //members[memberId - 1] --> THIS IS NOT WORKING
    var member = members[memberId - 1];
    return deferred.promise;


Following controllers are used for member-detail.html:

.controller('MemberDetailCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, MemberService) {
 MemberService.findById($stateParams.memberId).then(function (member) {
        $scope.member = member;

Result of my debbuging work is, that problem is on access to JSON-object in services.js on findById method. It's following line:

  • var member = members[memberId - 1]; --> it returns a undefiend

But I've no idea how I access the members variable correctly


  • You can find proper user by id in your members array using forEach:

    var member = {};
    angular.forEach(members, function (item) {
        if ( == memberId ) {
            member =  item;
    return deferred.promise;