I'm attempting to create a script for a platform that allows users to inject javascript. They are using YUI and specifically Y.one('body).delegate('click',...)
to attach an event to a button. I would like to intercept this button but I cannot figure out how to stop, block, remove or otherwise prevent the event handler from firing.
Note: I don't have direct access to the handler returned by `Y.delegate()
So far I've tried
All to no avail. In fact the only success I've had is to completely remove and replace the body HTML which obviously takes all the event handlers with it as opposed to just the one I want to remove.
Any insights?
Turns out one of my attempts was the correct method but my usage was wrong. I was (unknowingly) attempting to detach the event prior to it being attached in the first place.
That said in the case of:
This works:
Though ideally you'd call detach direct on the EventHandle returned by the delegate call.