I want to separate string i.e combination of Subject Name with Subject Code into two parts in java. The originalString can be ANYTHING like "ABC (01dfv)" , "BCD (sdfsd) etc... The subject code always written in () and subject name will always prefix the bracket. Example :
String originalString = "Computer Science (06cs43)"
String subjectName="Computer Science"
String subjectCode="06cs43"
I am using string.replaceAll but not able to find out the regular expression for extracting or replacing the subject code.
The size of the subject code is not fixed.
No need to use regex here. You can just do this
String orS="Computer Science (06cs43)";
String subjectName=orS.subString(0,orS.indexOf('(')-1);
String subjectCode=orS.subString(orS.indexOf('('),orS.length()-2)