DNA Is a Structure That Encodes Biological Information. Recently DNA is used to encode digital information. (i.e. translate digital Information like photo, text, etc to DNA sequence. What algorithm is used exactly for translating binary to DNA sequence?
As Wikipedia claims:
5.5 petabits can be stored in each cubic millimeter of DNA
so it is efficient way for storing huge amount of information in DNA. Is there any good Reference or tutorial book that trains how to encode information to DNA efficiently and decode them again to original information?
I'd suggest to study molecular biology. You'd need to understand biochemistry behind DNA replication and transcription, what are nucleotides, how cell works, how nucleus works, and many, many other areas; it's really not a matter of some tutorial, or a book (I'm trained in bioinformatics, biophysics, and molecular biology). To the rest of your question - since DNA uses four different nucleotides, you can encode two bits into one nucleotide, e.g. 00b = A, 01b = T, 10b = C, 11b = G.