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How to highlight a text with double simple quotes '' in a HTML section

I'd like to highlight one or two words in a <HTML></HTML> section in a dokuwiki (2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons") page like I'd do outside of the section with ''one or two words'' or with apostrophe in SE markdown. How can I achieve that? Example (embedded HTML option has to be enabled in configuration):

====== Title ======
    <li>Magic should happen ''here'', except not with '' because it isn't recognized</li>

The following doesn't suit my needs

  • <tt>one two</tt> simply doesn't look the same

Besides this I don't have any ideas...


  • Try enclosing the string in &quot tag like &quotkey&quot i.e. &quot tag appended with semicolon

    May be misunderstood your question , now more clear Try something like this if it helps by enclosing in code tags as shown in :

    Magic should happen 'here', expect not with because it isn't recognized

    Also,check out the following link :