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Idiomatic variable-size worker pool in Go

I'm trying to implement a pool of workers in Go. The go-wiki (and Effective Go in the Channels section) feature excellent examples of bounding resource use. Simply make a channel with a buffer that's as large as the worker pool. Then fill that channel with workers, and send them back into the channel when they're done. Receiving from the channel blocks until a worker is available. So the channel and a loop is the entire implementation -- very cool!

Alternatively one could block on sending into the channel, but same idea.

My question is about changing the size of the worker pool while it's running. I don't believe there's a way to change the size of a channel. I have some ideas, but most of them seem way too complicated. This page actually implements a semaphore using a channel and empty structs in much the same way, but it has the same problem (these things come up all the time while Googling for "golang semaphore".


  • I would do it the other way round. Instead of spawning many goroutines (which still require a considerable amount of memory) and use a channel to block them, I would model the workers as goroutines and use a channel to distribute the work. Something like this:

    package main
    import (
    type Task string
    func worker(tasks <-chan Task, quit <-chan bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
        defer wg.Done()
        for {
            select {
            case task, ok := <-tasks:
                if !ok {
                fmt.Println("processing task", task)
            case <-quit:
    func main() {
        tasks := make(chan Task, 128)
        quit := make(chan bool)
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        // spawn 5 workers
        for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
            go worker(tasks, quit, &wg)
        // distribute some tasks
        tasks <- Task("foo")
        tasks <- Task("bar")
        // remove two workers
        quit <- true
        quit <- true
        // add three more workers
        for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
            go worker(tasks, quit, &wg)
        // distribute more tasks
        for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
            tasks <- Task(fmt.Sprintf("additional_%d", i+1))
        // end of tasks. the workers should quit afterwards
        // use "close(quit)", if you do not want to wait for the remaining tasks
        // wait for all workers to shut down properly

    It might be a good idea to create a separate WorkerPool type with some convenient methods. Also, instead of type Task string it is quite common to use a struct that also contains a done channel that is used to signal that the task had been executed successfully.

    Edit: I've played around a bit more and came up with the following: It's basically the same example, with a nicer API.