I'm running Zend Studio 10 with code using mustache templating. Mustache notation for including a partial is (from https://github.com/bobthecow/mustache.php/wiki/Mustache-Tags#partials):
{{> my/partial}}
This triggers a syntax warning (a little yellow triangle with exclamation point).
Invalid character used in text string
Has any else experienced this in Zend Studio with any templating languages? How did you go about adding an exception to code checking?
As far as I can tell:
allow/ignore {{>
to a validator--namely the HTML validatorMy current solution is to disable the HTML validator on mustache files by adding an exclusion group to the validation settings to ignore anything .mustache
This sucks however since I'd really like to validate 99% of the code that's non-mustache HTML in these files with the build in validator :(