Currently I'm using the url with lastFailedBuild
to display png (capturing page errors) in the browser (jenkins report) : http ://-jenkins-/job/jobName/lastFailedBuild/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/
But the problem is : I would be able to store as many artifacts as maximum build I set in the conf. So I would like to keep the artifacts for each build. We can already do it, but the url contains the build number (and I'd like to avoid manipulating the path to get back the build number). Is there a jenkins alias, a plugin, or can we use wildcards for that?
Have an alias like currentBuild wich returns the build number would be perfect (and simple). By 'current build', I mean to refer to the number build report I'm watching, not the last build report.
Also, where are physically stored the artifacts? I mean, I know where the files are stored, in the workspace, but for artifacts the url displays /job/
, where is the folder contening artifacts in my jenkins server? Is it a sort of symbolic link to files in workspace?
I wonder : if I delete the image (in the workspace) before each new build, will it keep the previous artifacts ? I think it's yes because when I overwrite a png image the artifact is kept (it seems to me).
I think this topic : aliasing jenkins artifact URLs doesn't answer my question.
More details :
Here my current report, now I want to refer to http ://-jenkins-/job/JDN/55/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/
if I'm on build report #55, or http ://-jenkins-/job/JDN/50/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/
if I'm on build report #50.
I could do it in my script looking for the last number build but it's a little heavy. I'd like to know if Jenkins manages that, like lastFailedBuild, lastSuccessfulBuild alias. -> an alias which refers to the artifacts of the observed report. -> it could be something as : http ://-jenkins-/job/JDN/currentReportNumber/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/
There is permalink to /lastBuild
, which was what I think you mean by "current build"
You can also add /buildNumber
to any permalink to get just the value of the build number, for example /lastBuild/buildNumber
will return the numeric value of the last executed build, while /lastFailedBuild/buildNumber
will return the numeric value of the last failed build.
Physically, the artifacts are stored on the server alongside your WORKSPACE
for Windows), look for /jobs/<jobname>
. There you will see
- config.xml (your job configuration)
- nextBuildNumber (contains the next build number, don't modify this)
- workspace folder (this is the job's WORKSPACE
that Jenkins uses during build
- builds folder (this is the history of all your retained builds)
Open the builds
folder, and you will see all your saved builds (in time-stamped folders), including symlinks representing the permalinks (such as lastFailedBuild
, etc). Under each time-stamped folder, you will see archive
folder. This is where the archived artifacts are stored.
To access the WORKSPACE
files through the URL use http://<jenkins-url>/job/<job-name>/ws/<path-to-files>