If I have a simple resource defined like the following, it's my understanding that I can call the Receipt.query()
method to get a collection back from the server. It's also my understanding that if I call Receipt.query({freightBill: 123})
, then freightBill gets added as a query parameter like /distribution/inbound?freightBill=123
. How could I pass query parameters in this fashion, but then from my factory, also add default query parameters for page, size and sort?
The resulting request might look like /distribution/inbound?freightBill=123&page=0&size=20&sort=number,desc
.factory('receipts', function ($http, $resource, $location) {
var search = $location.search();
var page = search.page||0;
var size = search.size||20;
var sort = search.sort||'number,desc';
return $resource('/distribution/inbound');
second parameter of the $resource is for default parameters. DOCS : Link
.factory('receipts', function ($http, $resource, $location) {
return $resource('/distribution/inbound',{page:0,size:20,sort:'number,desc'});
these make them 'defaults'. Meaning you can override by passing new values to .query
Receipt.query({freightBill: 123,size:20,page:2})