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In grails, using gsp how do I build a comma separated list of links from a collection of domain objects?

Basically what I want is:

<g:fancyJoin in="${myList}" var="item" separator=", ">
    <g:link controller="foo" action="bar" id="${}">${item.label}</g:link>

and for

def mylist = [[id:1, label:"first"], [id:2, label:"second"]] 

it should output:

<a href="foo/bar/1">first</a>, <a href="foo/bar/2">second</a>

The key difference between this and the existing join tag is that I need it to basically do a collect and apply tags over the initial list before performing the join operation


  • You could define a custom tag, something like:

    def eachJoin = {attrs, body ->
        def values = attrs.remove('in')
        def var = attrs.remove('var')
        def status = attrs.remove('status')
        def delimiter = attrs.remove('delimiter')
        values.eachWithIndex {entry, i ->
            out << body([
                    (var ?: 'it') : entry,
                    (status ?: 'i') : i
            if(delimiter && (i < values.size() - 1)) {
                out << delimiter


    <g:eachJoin in="${myList}" var="item" delimiter=", ">
        <g:link controller="foo" action="bar" id="${}">${item.label}</g:link>