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Read Raw Data in with Mozilla Add-on

I'm trying to read and write raw data from files using Mozilla's add-on SDK. Currently I'm reading data with something like:

function readnsIFile(fileName, callback){
    var nsiFile = new FileUtils.File(fileName);
    NetUtil.asyncFetch(nsiFile, function (inputStream, status) {
        var data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inputStream, inputStream.available(),{charset:"UTF-8"});
        callback(data, status, nsiFile);

This works for text files, but when I start messing with raw bytes outside of Unicode's normal range, it doesn't work. For example, if a file contains the byte 0xff, then that byte and anything past that byte isn't read at all. Is there any way to read (and write) raw data using the SDK?


  • You've specified an explicit charset in the options to NetUtil.readInputStream.

    When you omit the charset option, then the data will be read as raw bytes. (Source)

    function readnsIFile(fileName, callback){
        var nsiFile = new FileUtils.File(fileName);
        NetUtil.asyncFetch(nsiFile, function (inputStream, status) {
            // Do not specify a charset at all!
            var data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inputStream, inputStream.available());
            callback(data, status, nsiFile);

    The suggestion to use io/byte-streams is OK as well, but keep in mind that that SDK module is still marked experimental, and that using ByteReader via io/file as the example suggests is not a good idea because this would be sync I/O on the main thread. I don't really see the upside, as you'd use NetUtil anyway.

    Anyway, this should work:

    const {ByteReader} = require("sdk/io/byte-streams");
    function readnsIFile(fileName, callback){
        var nsiFile = new FileUtils.File(fileName);
        NetUtil.asyncFetch(nsiFile, function (inputStream, status) {
            var reader = new ByteReader(inputStream);
            var data =;
            callback(data, status, nsiFile);

    Also, please keep in mind that reading large files like this is problematic. Not only will the whole file buffered in memory, obviously, but:

    • The file is read as a char (byte) array first, so there will be a temporary buffer in the stream of at least file.size length (via asyncFetch).
    • Both NetUtil.readInputStreamToString and ByteReader will use another char (byte) array to read the result into from the inputStream, but ByteReader will do that in 32K chunks, while NetUtil.readInputStreamToString, will use a big buffer of file.length.
    • The data is then read into the resulting jschar/wchar_t (word) array aka. Javascript string, i.e. you need file.size * 2 bytes in memory at least.

    E.g., reading a 1MB file would require more than fileSize * 4 = 4MB memory (NetUtil.readInputStreamToString) and/or more than fileSize * 3 = 3MB memory (ByteReader) during the read operation. After the operation, 2MB of that memory will be still alive to store the resulting data in a Javascript string.

    Reading a 1MB file might be OK, but a 10MB file might be already problematic on mobile (Firefox for Android, Firefox OS) and a 100MB would be problematic even on desktop.

    You can also read the data directly into an ArrayBuffer (or Uint8Array), which has more efficient storage for byte arrays than a Javascript string and avoid the temporary buffers of NetUtil.readInputStreamToString and/or ByteReader.

    function readnsIFile(fileName, callback){
        var nsiFile = new FileUtils.File(fileName);
        NetUtil.asyncFetch(nsiFile, function (inputStream, status) {
            var bs = Cc[";1"].
            var len = inputStream.available();
            var data = new Uint8Array(len);
            reader.readArrayBuffer(len, data.buffer);
            callback(data, status, nsiFile);

    PS: The MDN documentation might state something about "iso-8859-1" being the default if the charset option is omitted in the NetUtil.readInputStreamToString call, but the documentation is wrong. I'll fix it.