I found here very good image for VirtualBox with oracle DB and Oracle Linux. But problem is, that I want to use Oracle 11g, but not 12c as in this image. I can't find link for this iso, but I am sure, that it must be in offcial Oracle site.
This one has Oracle 11g database and SQL Developer: http://download.oracle.com/otn/other/virtualbox/dd/Oracle_Developer_Day.ova See http://praitheesh.blogspot.nl/2013/10/oracle-developer-day-vm-how-to-use-pre.html for instructions
EDIT : Included comment below from @xwinus:
This link works, but requires little workaround. At first, accept the OTN license agreement on some other site, for example here: oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/oedq/downloads/…, then try the above link again. Now it redirects you to the Oracle SSO login page and allows you to download the file.