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Mysql group by hour don't work with week range

I have time range in database:

date                   temp
2014-05-09 20:40:01    19.6875
2014-05-09 20:50:01    19.375
2014-05-10 00:10:01    17.5
2014-05-23 08:25:01    27.4375

And i want get all AVG temperature with week group by hour. Here sql query:

SELECT AVG( `temp` ) , `date` FROM `temperature` WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2014-05-16 11:06' AND '2014-05-23 11:06' GROUP BY HOUR( `date` )

But in result i have only value with range from 2014-05-16 23:06:02 to 2014-05-17 00:05:01

And not have error.

Help me find my mistake.

Sory for my bad English


  • This is because when you use GROUP BY and display a field that isn't being grouped, mysql can't show you all the values of that field. So it just shows one.

    This query makes more sense:

    SELECT AVG( `temp` ) , HOUR(`date`) FROM `temperature` WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2014-05-16 11:06' AND '2014-05-23 11:06' GROUP BY HOUR( `date` )

    Or this one (after discussion)

    SELECT AVG( temp ) ,
    FROM temperature
    WHERE date BETWEEN '2014-05-16 11:06' AND '2014-05-23 11:06'
    GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date),DAY(date),HOUR(date)