I have a Ruby on Rails 4
website that I wish to split up in domain.com
and mysubdomain.domain.com
. I am using lvh.me
for testing.
My routes file:
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
scope "(:locale)", locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/ do
get "first_page" => "pages#first_page", :as => :first_page
constraints subdomain: "mysubdomain" do
get "second_page" => "pages#second_page", :as => :second_page
root :to => 'pages#index'
In my view file I have:
= link_to "First page", first_page_path
= link_to "Second page", second_page_path(:subdomain => "mysubdomain")
But the subdomain
argument is apparently ignored. Instead all links gets prepend with request.subdomain
So if e.g. I am on:
Then the links on the webpage are as follows:
http://mysubdomain.lvh.me:3000/first_page # Not as intended
http://mysubdomain.lvh.me:3000/second_page # As intended
How to fix this?
The problem is you're using the _path
helper and not the _url
helper. The former generates a relative path so the site will use the current host where as the latter generates a full URL.
= link_to "Second page", second_page_url(subdomain: "mysubdomain")
should do what you're looking for.