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How to: Sort items of a DataGrid

How to: Sort items of a DataGrid using C# / WPF

I do have the following code snippets (unimportant code has been removed):


lastName.SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending;


<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="dataGrid_Content">
        <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding lastName}" Header="Nachname" x:Name="lastName" />

Unfortunately, the C# code is ignored - there is no ascending sorting, it only creates that little arrow which shows up, but the items are not sorted. What is my mistake?

Edit I:

public void SetItemsToDataContext()

        foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\...", "*.txt"))
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(s);

            int i = 1;
            string line = streamReader.ReadToEnd().Replace("\n", "");
            string[] t = line.Split('\r');

            BusinessContact businessContact = new BusinessContact();
            businessContact.firstName = t[i + 2];
            businessContact.lastName = t[i + 3];



        applySortDescriptions(lastName, ListSortDirection.Ascending);

Edit II:

public string getSortPropertyName(DataGridColumn col)
    return "Content";


  • Well, there is a way to get it working properly. Here it is.

        private void applySortDescriptions(DataGridColumn col, ListSortDirection listSortDirection)
            //Clear current sort descriptions
            //Get property name to apply sort based on desired column
            string propertyName = getSortPropertyName(col);           
            //Add the new sort description
            MyDataGrid.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription(propertyName, listSortDirection));
            //apply sort
            applySortDirection(col, listSortDirection);           
            //refresh items to display sort
        private string getSortPropertyName(DataGridColumn col)
            //place logic in here that will return the name of the property to sort by (ex: return “name”; if you are sorting by the name property)
            return string.Empty;
        private void applySortDirection(DataGridColumn col, ListSortDirection listSortDirection)
            foreach (DataGridColumn c in PatientsViewDatGrid.Columns)
                c.SortDirection = null;
            col.SortDirection = listSortDirection;

    That should do it. Now you can sort and the column headers will show the sort indicator appropriately