var flip1 = 0;
$( ".car-row" ).click(function() {
$( ".car-types" ).toggle( );
When div class ".car-row" is clicked, its subdiv '.cartypes' is toggled.
$('input[name=allcheck-cars]').click(function() {
$("input[name='checkbox']").prop('checked', this.checked);
On clicking the checkbox, I just want the checkboxes in the subdiv to be checked/unchecked which I am able to do it. At the same time, when I click this checkbox which is in the same div class ".car-row", the subdiv ".cartypes" again gets toggled which I dont want to happen. So I need to use .preventDefault()
anywhere to prevent toggling subdiv on click of checkbox. Please help.
All you need to do is add capture the first parameter in the anonymous function, which contains the event. On this event you can call the preventDefault.
$("input[name='checkbox']").prop('checked', this.checked);