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Getting a “pointer” to a Lua function stored in C

In the Lua C API I can store a number or a string from the stack with lua_tostring().

How can a “reference” (if that is the correct term) to a Lua function be passed to C through the Lua API? So it can be called later from C, with lua_call(), without having to reference it by its name.

(It really needs to be like that, the C program will call the function somewhere in the future and the program doesn't know anything about the function because the functions to be passed are defined in the Lua program)


  • In C you can't refer to Lua functions directly but you can represent numbers and strings. So, for a function to "be called later", you can store this function in some table and refer to it by a numeric or string key of the table.

    Here's a simpleminded mechanism to start with:

    On the Lua side:

    funcs = {}
    local function register_hanlder(key, fn)
      funcs[key] = fn
    register_handler("on_mouse_click", function()
      print "You clicked me!"

    On the C side:

    /* code not tested */
    lua_getglobal(L, "funcs");
    lua_getfield(L, -1, "on_mouse_click");
    if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
      lua_call(L, 0, 0);
    else {
      // nothing registered

    Instead of registering the functions in a global table you can register them in the registry table (see luaL_ref). You'll get some integer (that's the key in the registry table where the function value is) that you can pass around in you C code.

    Note that if you don't need to store a Lua function "for use later" you don't need any of this: if your C function has some Lua function passed to it via argument you can call it outright.

    == Edit:

    As I mentioned, instead of using a global variable (the funcs above) you can store the reference to the function in the "registry". Conceptually there's no difference between this method and the previous one.

    Let's re-use the previous example: you want the Lua programmer to be able to register a function that would be fired whenever a mouse is clicked in your application.

    The Lua side would look like this:

      print "the mouse was clicked!"

    On the C side you define register_mouse_click_handler:

    static int the_mouse_click_handler = 0;
    static int register_mouse_click_handler(lua_State* L) {
      the_mouse_click_handler = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
      return 0;

    (...and expose it to Lua.)

    Then, in your application, when the mouse is clicked and you want to call the Lua function, you do:

    if (the_mouse_click_handler != 0) {
      lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, the_mouse_click_handler);
      lua_call(L, 0, 0);
    } else {
      // No mouse handler was registered.

    (I may have typos in the code.)