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A simple VHDL circuit won't display initial value

Here is my code and it's pretty simple. I'm to cycle through the first 8 letters of the alphabet on a Altera Cyclone II board.

entity lettercycle is
        SW  : in  std_logic; -- toggle switch
        HEX0 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) -- 7-segment display
end lettercycle;

architecture behavioural of lettercycle is
    signal counter : integer range 0 to 7 := 0;
        type SEGMENT_ARRAY is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
        variable SEVENSEG : SEGMENT_ARRAY := ("0001000","0000011","1000110","0100001","0000110","0001110","0010000","0001001");
        HEX0 <= SEVENSEG(counter);
        wait until SW = '0';
        counter <= counter + 1;
        end process;
end behavioural;

This works great, it cycles but initially it doesn't display "A" on my seven segment display. It displays "8" (so nothing essentially). Once I push SW which is a logic 0 switch it changes to 'A' and cycles to 'B', 'C', etc properly. It also loops correctly. What it isn't doing is initially setting to 'A'. If I force

    HEX0 <= SEVENSEG(0);

Then it will display 'A' initially so I'm out ideas. Could this be related to bouncing?


  • The synthesis tool implements the process with falling edge flip-flops, as a result of the wait until SW = '0';, so both the counter and HEX0 inside the process are updated at falling edge of SW (thus HEX0 is not a latch).

    The synthesis tool does however not propagate the initial 0 value of counter to initial value on HEX0 based on mapping through SEVENSEG, so you won't see an initial 'A' on the output.

    The synthesis output is shown on the figure below, whereby the flip-flops on the output can also be seen.

    enter image description here

    The intended operation is possible with update of process and HEX0 assign to:

    process (SW) is
      if falling_edge(SW) then
        counter <= counter + 1;
      end if;
    end process;
    HEX0    <= SEVENSEG(counter);

    This will also remove the unnecessary flip-flops on the output for HEX0.

    Note the SEVENSEG is moved to architectural level declaration as constant.