I have this code that shows a table:
<cfloop query="GetResults2">
<cfif GetResults2.dept_id eq aFieldValue>
<table class="table1">
<th>Name</th><th>Positive Comment</th><th>Negative Comment</th>
<td nowrap="nowrap">#emp_namefirst# #Left(emp_namelast, 1)# </td>
<td>#Replace(commentpositive, emp_namefirst, "<B>" & emp_namefirst & "</B>")#</td>
<td>#Replace(commentnegative, emp_namefirst, "<B>" & emp_namefirst & "</B>")#</td>
Right now it does get the correct results but its loopping every time and creating a new table for every row. How can I get it that it will only show one table? I have try moving the
<cfloop query="GetResults2">
inside the table but that doesnt solve the problem. Any suggestions on how to solve it?
This will create one table with a row for each result in the query. The loop needs to be nested within the table and after the header rows.
<table class="table1">
<th>Positive Comment</th>
<th>Negative Comment</th>
<cfloop query="GetResults2">
<cfif GetResults2.dept_id eq aFieldValue>
<td nowrap="nowrap">#emp_namefirst# #Left(emp_namelast, 1)# </td>
<td>#Replace(commentpositive, emp_namefirst, "<B>" & emp_namefirst & "</B>")#</td>
<td>#Replace(commentnegative, emp_namefirst, "<B>" & emp_namefirst & "</B>")#</td>