I'm asking about using opentok for video publishing.
I have a problem with video resolution. To publish, i can set 2 properties: resolution and frameRate
So, in my code, I have
var publisherProperties = {
insertMode: "append"
,resolution: "1280x720"
var publisher = OT.initPublisher('myvideodiv', publisherProperties);
On my 2nd computer (the one catching the stream), the video looks fuzzy...
I looked up stream.fps
and it is set to 30. But, stream.videoDimensions
doesn't match with the resolution that I set in the publisher.
Please advice.
According to the documentation here, the fuzzy video could be because of low bandwidth on your second computer. Another possible cause is that your publisher's camera might not support HD streaming. For example the 2011 macbook air's camera has a resolution of 640 x 426.
The published video will only use the desired resolution if the client configuration supports it.