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How to change Orientation of bars in Excel Bar Chart created with VBA

I am creating a chart, in a form, using VBA Excel 2010. I have configured excel to use Chartspace and the chart is created using dynamic data correctly, but the presentation is not what I am looking for, but can't figure how to change it. Please see the section of code:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim row_count As Integer
Dim n As Long
Dim chart_data As Worksheet

Set chart_data = Worksheets("Sheet3")
row_count = chart_data.UsedRange.Rows.Count

Dim varCats()
Dim varVals()

ReDim varCats(row_count)
ReDim varVals(row_count)

'Set c = ChartSpace1.Constants
Set mychart = ChartSpace1.Charts.Add
mychart.Type = xlColumnClustered '51 'chChartTypeBarClustered 'c.chChartTypeBarClustered

For n = 2 To row_count
    varCats(n) = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A" & n).Value
    varVals(n) = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3").Range("T" & n).Value
Next n

With mychart.SeriesCollection(0)
    .SetData chDimSeriesNames, chDataLiteral, "QAR Score"
    .SetData chDimCategories, chDataLiteral, varCats
    .SetData chDimValues, chDataLiteral, varVals
End With

End Sub

The bar chart is showing the bars horizontally and not vertically. So where I thought my variable "varCats" would go to the X-Axis is not but rather the Y-axis.

I know this is going to be a simple response from the community, but I have yet to find it through my searching.

Thanks, C

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  • Revised to work with ChartSpace objects in UserForm

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Dim row_count As Integer
        Dim n As Long
        Dim chart_data As Worksheet
        Dim srs As ChSeries
        Dim myChart As ChChart
        Set chart_data = Worksheets("Sheet3")
        row_count = chart_data.UsedRange.Rows.Count
        ReDim varCats(1 To row_count)
        ReDim varVals(1 To row_count)
        varCats = Application.Transpose(chart_data.Range("A2:A" & row_count).Value)
        varVals = Application.Transpose(chart_data.Range("T2:B" & row_count).Value)
        'Set c = ChartSpace1.Constants
        Set myChart = ChartSpace1.Charts.Add
            myChart.Type = chChartTypeColumnClustered
        Set srs = myChart.SeriesCollection.Add
            With srs
                .SetData chDimSeriesNames, chDataLiteral, "QAR Score"
                .SetData chDimCategories, chDataLiteral, varCats
                .SetData chDimValues, chDataLiteral, varVals
            End With
    End Sub