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C++ member function explicit template instantiation across DLL

I am creating a DLL in C++ using Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1 Update 1. There is a class called XMLData which has a public member function called getAttribute.


namespace DDGL
    class DLL_EXPORTED XMLData


       // const char* is used to avoid problems with trying to pass an
       // std::string over DLL boundaries
       template <typename Type> Type getAttribute (const char* attribute) const;



Inside the DLL, every use is instantiated as you'd expect and works fine.

However, inside an application I will of course get undefined references for the <typename Type>'s that haven't been used within the DLL.

So, I try to use explicit template instantiation (I'd rather not put the implementation in header, for a learning exercise if anything):


namespace DDGL


    // getAttribute definition


    template float XMLData::getAttribute(const char* attribute) const;



However, I still get an unresolved external in the application using the DLL:


error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: float __thiscall DDGL::XMLData::getAttribute<float>(char const *)const " (??$getAttribute@M@XMLData@DDGL@@QBEMPBD@Z) referenced in function "class std::shared_ptr<class DDGL::IGameObject> __cdecl SimpleExplodingRocketDeserialiser(class DDGL::XMLData)" (?SimpleExplodingRocketDeserialiser@@YA?AV?$shared_ptr@VIGameObject@DDGL@@@std@@VXMLData@DDGL@@@Z)


    #define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport)
    #define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllimport)

Where am I going wrong?


  • The problem was that, whilst I was indeed explicitly instantiating the template correctly, I was not exporting the symbol for each instantiation.

    The solution was to do the following:

    namespace DDGL
        class DLL_EXPORTED XMLData
           // const char* is used to avoid problems with trying to pass an
           // std::string over DLL boundaries
           template <typename Type> Type getAttribute (const char* attribute) const;
        DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS_MEMBER float XMLData::getAttribute(const char* attribute) const;

    Where DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS_MEMBER was defined as:

        #define DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS_MEMBER extern template DLL_EXPORTED

    Doing this correctly exported the symbols for the explicit template instantiation and allowed me to use them outside the DLL.