I have an Excel file and I want to have a macro in it that allows the user to choose any Word File and then open this selected file. Is this possible?
May I know what is the correct way to achieve my objective?
To select the file, you can use Excel Application's .GetOpenFilename
The method returns the selected file's full path.
Dim oWFile As String
oWFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Word File, *.docx")
Now to open the file, you need to get/create an instance of Word.
Meaning you have to bind Word to Excel. Sample below
Dim oWApp As Word.Application
'~~> get instance if already existing
On Error Resume Next
Set oWApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
'~~> create it otherwise
If oWApp Is Nothing Then Set oWApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'~~> make sure it is visible
oWApp.Visible = True
'~~> Open the word file using the grabbed/created Word Application Object
'~~> and the full file path we get using the .GetOpenFilename method
oWApp.Documents.Open oWFile
I used Early Binding where in you need to reference the Microsoft Word Object Library.
To do this, in VBE go to Tools > References and select
Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library (for office 2010).
The number varies depending on the office version.