I want to catch an exception, print the place the exception occured and continue running the loop. I have this example code:
public class justcheckin {
static String[] l = {"a","a","b","a","a"};
public class notAexception extends Exception{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
notAexception (){
notAexception(String message){
private void loop () throws notAexception {
notAexception b = new notAexception("not an a");
for (int i = 0; i< l.length; i++){
if (! l[i].equals("a")){
throw b;
public static void main (String[] args) throws notAexception{
justcheckin a = new justcheckin();
I want to write a warning message, say "index 2 is not a", and continue running the loop. How can I do it?
I think in your code there is no need to have try catch throw etc.
But still in your same code if you want to perform this,
public class justcheckin {
static String[] l = {"a","a","b","a","a"};
public class notAexception extends Exception{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
notAexception (){
notAexception(String message){
private void loop () throws notAexception {
notAexception b = new notAexception("not an a");
for (int i = 0; i< l.length; i++){
if (! l[i].equals("a")){
throw b;
}catch(notAexception ne){
System.out.println("index "+i+" is not a");//index 2 is not a
public static void main (String[] args) throws notAexception{
justcheckin a = new justcheckin();