I really don't know how to do this. So I need a JavaScript script that'd look at the contact form field (question name) and make sure it has more than one word before submitting it.
<input type="text" name="question[name]" id="question_name">
I really searched a lot, found some solutions but non of them really worked.
Can you help me?
<input type="text" name="question[name]" id="question_name" onblur="this.value.split(' ').length < 2 ? alert('you need more words here') : '';" />
Edit to improve it:
HTML code:
<input type="text" name="question[name]" id="question_name" onblur="CheckErrors.Name(this);" />
<span class="error"></span>
JS code:
var CheckErrors = {
Config: {
Error_Strings: {
Name: 'you need more words here',
Email: 'the email looks invalid'
//, ....
Name: function(element){
var error_target = element.nextElementSibling;
if( element.value.split(' ').length < 2 ){
error_target.textContent = this.Config.Error_Strings.Name;
error_target.textContent = '';
//, Email: function(element){}....