Short version: Is it possible to use RACMulticastConnection in the same way as NSNotificationCenter? I mean to keep the subscribed blocks valid even for another call [connection connect]?
Long version: Among different subscribers I share a reference to RACMulticastConnection. Those who initiate the request pass loginRequest!=nil and those subscribers who want just listen use loginRequest==nil:
RACMulticastConnection *connection = [self.appModel loginRequest:loginRequest];
[connection connect]; //I initiate the request
[connection.signal subscribeNext:^(RACTuple* responseTuple) {
} error:^(NSError *error) {
} completed:^{
In other modul I just subscribe and listen:
RACMulticastConnection *connection = [self.appModel loginRequest:nil];
[connection.signal subscribeNext:^(RACTuple* responseTuple) {
} error:^(NSError *error) {
} completed:^{
When I call the [connection connect]; everything works fine. The subscribers are notified. But if I want to repeat the request to the server again with [connection connect]; I just receive successful signal with the old responses.
Basic idea is I want to create RACMulticastConnection once and share it for potential subscribers. Those who listen pass nil arguments, those who initiate the request pass not nil argument and call [connection connect]; But it does not trigger the block defined in RACSignal createSignal:.
The RACSignal is created just once when RACMulticastConnection does not exist. self.loginRequestConnection is property of model. The property is shared in the application to subscribers:
- (RACMulticastConnection*) loginRequest:(LoginRequest*)request {
self.loginRequest = request;
if(! self.loginRequestConnection) { // the instance of RACMulticastConnection shared among the subscribers
RACSignal* networkRequest = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable *(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
__block Response* blockResponse = nil;
[_serviceClient login:self.loginRequest success:^(TSNApiResponse *response, TSNError *error) {
blockResponse = response;
[subscriber sendNext:RACTuplePack(response, error)];
[subscriber sendCompleted];
} failure:^(TSNError *error) {
[self cleanUpRequestOnError:error subscriber:subscriber blockResponse:blockResponse blockRequest:self.loginRequest];
[subscriber sendError:error];
return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
[_serviceClient cancelRequest:self.loginRequest];
self.loginRequestConnection = [networkRequest multicast:[RACReplaySubject subject]];
return self.loginRequestConnection;
Is there any correct way how to make the connection trigger again the block in the RACSignal? Thank you.
I have used FBKVOController. The code done with FBKVOController is fraction of the implementation done with ReactiveCocoa:
- (void) loginRequest:(TSNLoginRequest*)request {
[_serviceClient login:request success:^(TSNApiResponse *response, TSNError *error) {
self.loginResponseTuple = [TSNResponseTuple responseTuple:response error:error];
} failure:^(TSNError *error) {
self.loginResponseTuple = [TSNResponseTuple responseTuple:nil error:error];
Issuing the request:
[self.appModel loginRequest:loginRequest];
Observing the response:
[_KVOController observe:self.appModel keyPath:@"loginResponseTuple" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew block:^(TSNStartupScreenViewModel* observer, TSNAppModel* observed, NSDictionary *change) {
TSNResponseTuple* responseTuple = change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey];
if([responseTuple.error isError]) {
[TSNAppUtilities showError:(TSNError *)(responseTuple.error) completion:^(OHAlertView *alert, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
if(buttonIndex == alert.firstOtherButtonIndex) {
// ... process selection