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XCode 5 Testing symbol "rT" means what?

I have 2 test classes in a XCode 5 project:


- (void)testAlwaysPassing { ... }

ABCDataModelListColorsTests.m which inherits from ABCDataModelTests.

- (void)testNumberOfListColorsGreaterThan7 { ... }

When I ran the test, I noticed that there is a symbol "rT" underneath the subclass's tests as shown in the picture.

What does "rT" stand for? Note that the subclass inherits the test method "testAlwaysPassing."

I can't find anything in the Apple documentation for "New Features in XCode 5/5.0.1" Is there any documentation for what all the symbols stand for?

enter image description here


  • I found this information on some forums:

    The standard way to do things in SenTestingKit/OCUnit/XCTest is to declare your tests in code. If you do, Xcode will discover them statically (ie. not at runtime) using the index. Once Xcode these tests are discovered, they show up in the test navigator with a "t" icon. So far so good.

    Now, the SenTestingKit/OCUnit/XCTest frameworks also allow you to create tests on the fly at runtime. Some of our users make creative user of this capability, perhaps to wrap an external testing system or to create tests to represent a dynamic set of data. Xcode cannot discover these tests statically, and only find out about their existence when they are returning resutls during a test run. When discovered, they will show up in the test navigator with a "rT" icon. "rT" being short for "runtime discovered tests".

    Finally. If there's anything wrong / unusual about your project that prevents indexing from completing or from properly parsing your test classes, then your tests wouldn't be statically discovered. You may still successfully build and run them, in which case Xcode would end up treating them as runtime discovered tests, and give them the "rT" icon.