The line of code where the fieldbuilder is constructed assigns a type that can be stored as a string, int, XYZ etc.
The developer documentation doesn't include the "BuiltInCategory" type. I need to write this List<BuiltInCategory>
to the "projectinfo object" for storage. Do I need to cast the List<BuiltinCategory>
to a string List<string>
for storage and then convert back for retrieval? Will that work?
public void StoreDataInProjectInfo(Document doc, Element projectInfoElement)
Schema schema = Schema.Lookup(SchemaGuid);
IList<BuiltInCategory> BuiltincatStringList = new List<BuiltInCategory>();
using (Transaction transEstorage = new Transaction(doc))
transEstorage.Start("add estorage list");
if (null == schema)
SchemaBuilder sb = new SchemaBuilder(new Guid("AF5E4C3E-C2E2-493B-8236-BA0F5E323887"));
//public accesibility
This is the fieldbuilder list that needs a type the code fails on execution and reports an incorrect "type."
//Storage Filled for Cat List
***FieldBuilder fb = sb.AddArrayField("UserCategoryList", typeof(BuiltInCategory))***;
fb.SetDocumentation("A Set Of Categories to be worksetted");
//set schema name and register
schema = sb.Finish();
// Create an entity (object) for this schema (class)
Entity entity = new Entity(schema);
// Get the field from the schema
Field userWSCategoryList = schema.GetField("UserCategoryList");
entity.Set<IList<BuiltInCategory>>(userWSCategoryList, BuiltincatStringList);
//Entity storage on Element
// Read back the data from the wall
Entity retrievedEntity = projectInfoElement.GetEntity(schema);
IList<BuiltInCategory> retrievedData = retrievedEntity.Get<List<BuiltInCategory>>(schema.GetField("UserCategoryList"));
I'd recommend casting the BuiltInCategory to an int. This converts the BuiltInCategory to its underlying element ID value.
This should be pretty straightforward - simply replace all instances of BuiltInCategory in your code above with int.
To cast a BuiltInCategory to an int:
BuiltInCategory builtInCategory;
int builtInCategoryId = (int)builtInCategory;
And the other way:
BuiltInCategory builtInCategory = (BuiltInCategory)builtInCategoryId;
This will be more consistent than trying to convert values to a string. If you ever have to deal with multiple languages in your code, you would likely run into issues using a string.