I could successfully host the fulcrum app on phusion but I am going nuts with some configuration issues.
1) For some reason there are no assets in the public folder but if I generate them using rake they have the weird digest attached to the suffix and the app says can't find file if I dont rename them like logo-30879aa42d1b343434a40fda1b11734b.png to logo.png
2) I renamed the assets and now the js files are not picking the root of the url i.e. http://example.com/fulcrum/assets/logo-30879aa42d1b343434a40fda1b11734b.png should be the url but the url is being set as http://example.com/assets/logo-30879aa42d1b343434a40fda1b11734b.png (missing root)
Could anyone kindly point out my configuration mistake?
I figured out the problem was in my production.rb
config.action_controller.asset_host was causing the trouble