In noticed the following behavior when developing a website using Chrome: when I refresh the page while it's being scrolled fully to bottom I can observe a vertical jump.
See the following Bootply.
To reproduce, open the fullscreen preview (the monitor icon on the right), and try the following:
The jump is in fact caused by this Javascript that tries to maintain vertical rhythm when page contains figures with .align-center
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).resize(function() {
var baseline = parseInt($('body').css('line-height'), 10)
$('.align-center').each(function() {
var height = $(this).outerHeight();
var bottom = baseline - (height % baseline);
if (bottom != 0)
bottom += parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'), 10)
$(this).css('padding-bottom', bottom);
Of course removing this Javascript also removes the vertical jump observed. What I don't understand is that padding is applied when DOM is ready so it shouldn't cause visible vertical jumps. I think the jump has to do with the way Chrome handles the viewport when page is scrolled to very bottom but I don't really know how to confirm/infirm this.
When trying this in Firefox or Safari, I don't observe any jump.
Any idea please?
I do not have a complete answer but some observations regarding Chrome:
Your code seems to add a 20px padding to the figure on document ready event. So here are the consequences:
Scroll to top or middle + Refresh:
The browser scrolls the same content into view that was visible before the refresh. The increase in body height does not affect the scroll position except that the scrollbar changes its height.
Scroll to bottom + Refresh:
The browser tries to align the body to the bottom when possible. It seems to do this twice+. The body is scrolled all the way to the bottom when the content is available. Then 20px is added to the body height on document ready which activates the "scroll down" button. On page load, the browser aligns the body with the bottom again, pushing all the content down by 20px which creates the "vertical jump" behavior.
+ For testing I added $(window).scroll(function() { console.log(arguments); })
. The scroll event fired twice: after document read and after window load.
In summary:
Chrome seems to align the body with the bottom of the page if it was that way before page refresh. And it does so pre-maturely and after the page loads causing the jumping effect.
Firefox seems to follow the same steps. However, it seems like Firefox handles the scroll to bottom case intelligently. Since the body is aligned with the bottom, it makes the layout changes (triggered by padding) in the area above the viewport; increasing the height of scrollbar but not scrolling.