Ok, have been breaking my head on this one for the last few hours and hope there is somebody here with more experience with the rangy library. Let's say I have the following html:
<p>Lorem Ipsum<note>that's latin</note> is a placeholder text</p>
<p>It is often used in graphic design<note>some other note</note></p>
And we've got a selection as indicated by the { and } characters:
<p>Lorem {Ipsum<note>that's latin</note> is a placeholder text</p>
<p>It is often used in graphic design<note>some other note</note>.}</p>
How could you split up the range into 3 range objects like this:
is a placeholder text</p><p>It is often used in graphic design
With the goal being to exclude a set of elements, in this case being ['note']
. I don't require a fully functional solution, all I am looking for is a way to 'split' a rangy range up at a certain point in the range.
This isn't really specific to Rangy since you'll just use standard Range methods. Here's a simple function that will work on regular DOM ranges or Rangy ranges. It splits a range in two in a similar way to the splitText()
method of text nodes: the original range's end boundary is moved to the split point and the function returns a new range starting at the split point and ending at the original range's original end boundary.
function splitRange(range, node, offset) {
var newRange = range.cloneRange();
newRange.setStart(node, offset);
range.setEnd(node, offset);
return newRange;
You could add this a method to all Rangy ranges if you like:
rangy.rangePrototype.splitRange = function(node, offset) {
var newRange = this.cloneRange();
newRange.setStart(node, offset);
this.setEnd(node, offset);
return newRange;
You could then split your example selection as follows:
// Get the <p> elements in the example HTML
var allPs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
var range1 = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
// Split after the first child of the first <p>
var range2 = range1.splitRange(allPs[0], 1);
// Split after the first child of the second <p>
var range3 = range2.splitRange(allPs[1], 1);
, range2
and range3
are now as you require.