I need to iterate over a graph(DFS), but without using the standard DFS visitor callback technique.
Is there a way to iteratively traverse the graph in this manner ?
for(each edge in my graph visited in dfs) {
do some complicated stuff;
Yes, depending on the concrete graph type, you can just do
auto e = edges(g);
for (auto it = e.first; it != e.second; ++it)
You might want in_edges(g)
or out_edges(g)
if your graph models different concepts: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/graph/doc/graph_concepts.html
Edit Update to the comments:
You'll have to wrap it yourself then. You could force a pull interface using Boost Coroutine. Or you can use the visitor to fill a queue, which you consumer after the DFS completed.