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Ant scp task not working, even with jsch on ant/lib

I need to copy a war file via scp.

I have added the jsch-0.1.42.jar to $ANT_HOME/lib but I'm still getting this error:

Cause: the class was not found. This looks like one of Ant's optional components.

This is the result of running ant -diagnostics just in case:


  • This looks like your problem, from the top of the diagnostics:

    optional tasks : not available

    Your $ANT_HOME/lib directory is missing ant-jsch.jar, which is where your missing class comes from.

    I'm not sure how this happened - I always install Ant from the ZIP file on the download site, which includes all the optional tasks. If you installed Ant from a Linux package, try checking to see if there is a separate package for the optional tasks.

    Once you get the optional tasks installed, I would delete the old version of jsch.jar as @trashgod suggests.