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Incorrect rounding of currency double values

I have an issue with some calculations inside my app. It is basically some kind of shopping list app. The user inputs the quantity and the price. There can be as much as 150 products in that list but usually it's something like 20,on average.

I'm using JTextFields,getting the Strings out of them and putting them into Arrays.I'm then parsing the Double and doing my calculations. The issue is that I sometimes get a total from the user in my database and when i verify it its wrong,for example(the shortest list i could find that has the error):

10 * 27.10
10 * 27.81
Total: 549.08

Clearly,the total is not 549.08 but 549.1.

Now,I know my method for the calculation is not the best,I did it a couple of months ago when I knew very little about Java and I left it like that since it did the job and I don't have calculations that are very complicated. So I didn't move to BigDecimal since I do this calculation a lot and from what I've read,it's a lot slower then double and float.

Anyway,here's my method:

Double totaltest=0;
for (int j = 0; j < allcant.size(); j++) {

   cant[j] = allcant.get(j).getText().toString();
   pret[j] = allpret.get(j).getText().toString();
   Double temp = Double.parseDouble(cant[j]) * Double.parseDouble(pret[j]);
   totaltest = totaltest + temp;

Could the issue come out of here? Or should I look somewhere else in my code? I'll most probably change the way I do the calculations anyway but I'd like to know what's the best way to do it and if I made a mistake here. I now know about floating point and stuff but the weird part is that it gives the right total when I try to replicate it.


  • I found the solution to this issue some time ago,forgot to come back. It was kind of a mistake on my part.Kind of. The user application was making the calculus somewhere,sending it to the database then i was extracting it and redoing the calculus in another application(with the same calculus method).

    The issue was that when I made the database,the "client" told me that the prices will never have more then 2 decimals so i declared the price field as Decimal(10,2),since I asked and made sure it was ok. They then set a price as 0.305 for example. The user app would do the calculus, for example 24*0.305=7.32 and in the database it would record as 0.30 since it could only accept 2 decimals and then, when I took the data from the database and redid it in my other application , of course, 24*0.30=7.2

    Sorry for leading you down the wrong path. All good now.I learned that you should never trust the user/client and always double check I guess, heh. Have a good one!